Knowledge in S-Block Elements

S-Block Elements

S-Block Notes 1st Group, Alkali Metals,Physical Properties,Chemical Properties,Anomalous Behaviour of Lithium, Diagonal relationship of Li & Mg, Some Important compounds of Alkali Metals, NaOH preparation,Properties,Microcosmic Salts,Alkaline Earth Metals,Physical properties,Chemical Properties,Carbonates & Bicarbonates,Sulphates,Carbides,Solution in Ammonia,Anomalous Behaviour of Berillium,Diagonal relationship of Be & Al,, Some Important compounds of Alkali Earth Metals

S-Block Elements (NCERT Notes)

s-block elements are the elements found in Group 1 and Group 2 on the periodic table. Group 1 are the alkali metals which have one valence electron. They have low ionization energies which makes them very reactive. Group 2 is the alkali earth metals which have two valence electrons, filling their s sublevel.