Knowledge in cloud computing

Computer Networks: Encryption and decryption

It is very important to encrypt and decrypt a message sent. This c code uses the RSA algorithm to do the same.

CALLING OF THE USER DEFINE FUNCTION (First semester notes) Chapter-4 (Part-5) Makhanlal chaturvedi national University,Bhopal

(Part-5) IN This, There is a chapter fourth of COMPUTER FUNDAMENTAL Subject Part-5 named PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTAL Makhanlal Chaturvedi national journalism and communication University, Bhopal. There is a very important note oF Fundamental computers For BCA first semester Students. Share with your friends and help them to learn Fundamental of Computers. There are Five subjects in BCA first semester .

M.S. DOS INTERNAL COMMANDS (First semester notes) Chapter-5 (Part-2) Makhanlal chaturvedi national University,Bhopal

(Part-2) IN This, There is a chapter fourth of COMPUTER FUNDAMENTAL Subject Part-2 named M.S. DOS (Microsoft disk operating system Makhanlal Chaturvedi national journalism and communication University, Bhopal. There is a very important note oF Fundamental computers For BCA first semester Students. Share with your friends and help them to learn Fundamental of Computers. There are Five subjects in BCA first semester .

cloud Computing rajasthan technical university paper

This is Rajasthan Technical University Old Paper. Cloud Computing is a subject in 7th Semester in RTU.

Ecommerce models

Bussiness models of ecommerce . B2B , B2C etc models of e commerce .

Presentation on Cloud Computing

…moving computing and data away from the desktop & the portable PC and simply displaying the result of computing that takes place in a centralized location and is then transmitted via internet to user’s screen. It offers the ability to access software or information that can be delivered on- demand , over the internet , without the need to store it locally. A simple example of Cloud Computing is Yahoo or Gmail etc. You don’t need a software or a server to use them. All a consumer would need is just an internet connection and you can start sending emails. The server and email management software is all on the cloud(internet) and is managed by the cloud service provider like Yahoo, Google etc. The consumer gets to use the software alone and enjoy the benefits. The analogy is “If you only need milk, would you buy a cow?”. All the users need is to get the benefits of using the software of computer like sending emails etc.. Just to get this benefit (MILK) why should a consumer buy software (COW)?

Cloud computing

Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user. The term is generally used to describe data centers available to many users over the Internet.

Cloud Computing – Fundamentals,Cloud Computing – Case Studies and Cloud Computing – Service Management and Security

this ppt has Cloud Computing – Fundamentals,Cloud Computing – Case Studies and Cloud Computing – Service Management and Security for services for IOT

MCA Syllabus of Cloud Computing.

MCA Syllabus of Cloud Computing.

Cloud Computing engineering

This knowledge is based on the cloud computing questions concept.These are the concept of final year graduation.