Soumya Somayajula

Student at Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology

Exception Handling In Java

Exception:  An Exception is an abnormal situation (or) unexpected situation in the normal flow of the program execution.  An exception is an abnormal condition that arises in a code sequence at run time.  Because of Exceptions the flow of program execution is getting disturbed so that program execution may continue (or) may not be continued. Types of exceptions: There are two types of exceptions: 1) Checked exceptions 2) Unchecked exceptions Checked exceptions: Checked exceptions are checked at compile-time. It means if a method is throwing a checked exception then it should handle the exception using try catch block or it should declare the exception using throws keyword, otherwise the program will give a compilation error. It is named as checked exception because these exceptions are checked at Compile time. Unchecked Exceptions: Runtime Exceptions are also known as Unchecked Exceptions as the compiler do not check whether the programmer has handled them or not but it’s the duty of the programmer to handle these exceptions and provide a safe exit. Here are the few most frequently seen unchecked exceptions – • NullPointerException • ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException • ArithmeticException • IllegalArgumentException

Introduction to Java Programming(Part-II)

 Inheritance –Definition  Single Inheritance  Benefits of inheritance  Member access rules  super class  Polymorphism  Method overriding  Using final with inheritance  abstract classes  Base class object.  Interfaces-Definition  Variables and methods in interfaces  Differences between classes and interfaces  Usage of implements and extends keyword  Uses of interfaces

Dielectric materials and their properties

Electric Dipole, Dipole Moment, Dielectric Constant, Electric Susceptibility, Electronic and Ionic polarizabilities (Quantitative) Orientation Polarization (Qualitative), Internal fields in Solids, Clausius-Mossotti equation, Frequency and temperature effect on Dielectrics (Qualitative), Piezo-electricity, pyro-electricity and Ferro-electricity, Applications. Introduction: Dielectrics are insulating materials which do not contain free electrons or the number of such electrons is too low to constitute the electric current. The electrons are tightly bound to the nucleus of the atom in dielectrics. Dielectrics are the materials having electric dipole moment permanently. All dielectrics are electrical insulators and they are mainly used to store electrical energy. Ex: Mica, glass, plastic, water & polar molecules… Electric Dipole: A system of two equal and opposite charges separated by a distance is called electric dipole.


Strategic Management is the art and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its objectives Strategic management is used synonymously with the term strategic planning. Sometimes the term strategic management is used to refer to strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation, with strategic planning referring only to strategy formulation.

Introduction to Collections In Java

All the Data Structures that comes with JDK1.2 are put together called as collections framework as the basic interface from which all the Data Structures are derived is Collection. ➢ The collections framework comes with many interfaces like Collection, List, Map and SortedMap etc. ➢ From these interfaces many DS are derived like LinkedList,TreeSet, ArrayList and HashMap etc. ➢ All the collections framework classes are placed in java.util package. The java.util package comes with many other service classes like Date, StringTokenizer and Random etc. ➢ A framework can be termed as a fundamental entity or structure developed to derive solutions for many complicated problems. ➢ A framework includes interfaces, classes, support programs, many resources and all converted into an API.

C++-Part 2

Static Class Members: Characteristics of static data members:  Static class variable is efficient when a single copy of data is enough.  It is initialized to zero when the first object of its class is created.  Only one copy of that member is created for the entire class and is shared by all the objects of that class, no matter how many objects are created  They exist when the program starts to execute and continue to exist throughout the program's entire lifetime.

Conics with question bank

Conic Section: -Ellipse -Parabola -Hyperbola -Tangent Method -Eccentricity Method -Oblong Method

Group Discussion Guidelines

GD is a test of interpersonal communication skills where a group of candidates are given a topic to discuss for a certain duration of time. To test interpersonal communication ability To assess group/team behavior /dynamics Facilitates a simulated platform to gauge potential Communication / Presentation Skills Leadership Team play / Tolerance to Ambiguity Listening Skills Analytical/Logical Skills

Basics of Nuclear Energy

Nuclear binding energy, Nuclear fission, Nuclear fusion, Radioactivity, α, β, γ rays decay, Geiger-Muller counter and practical applications of nuclear physics. What is Nuclear Energy? Nuclear energy is the energy in the nucleus of an atom which holds the neutrons and protons together. Nuclear energy can be used to produce electricity. This energy can be obtained in two ways: nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. In nuclear fusion, energy is released when atoms are combined or fused together to form a larger atom. The sun produces energy like this. In nuclear fission, atoms are split into smaller atoms, releasing energy.

Introduction to Java Programming

 History of Java  Java buzzwords  Data types  Variables  Simple java program  Scope and life time of variables  Operators  Expressions  Control statements  Type conversions and casting  Arrays  Classes  Objects  Constructors  Methods  Access control  This keyword  Garbage Collection  Overloading methods & constructors  Recursion  String handling  String Tokenizer

Magnetic and Superconducting materials

Permeability, Field Intensity, Magnetic Induction, Magnetization, Magnetic Susceptibility, Origin of Magnetic Moment, Bohr Magneton. Hysteresis behavior of Ferro Magnetic materials based on Domain Theory or Weiss theory. Hard and Soft Magnetic Materials, Properties of Anti-Ferro and Ferri Magnetic Materials and their applications, Super conductivity, effect of Magnetic Field, Critical current density, Meissner’s effect, Type-I and Type-II superconductors, Introduction to BCS theory of Superconductivity, applications of super conductors.

Linked Lists

Syllabus: Singly linked lists, advantages of Linked lists over arrays, doubly linked lists, Circular list and their operations, representing stacks and queues with Linked lists. Linked list is a linear data structure that contains sequence of elements such that each element links to its next element in the sequence. Each element in a linked list is called as "Node".  Single linked list is a sequence of elements in which every element has link to its next element in the sequence.