Knowledge in paragraph

HTML for Beginners

Hi, You can learn about basics of HTML from the following videos. I am providing the link of the html sections in the following article.If you want me to make a video on any other html element Kindly specify it in the comment section or contact me throgh the mail id:- 1. Installing Text Editor(Brackets) link:- 2. Making proper notes of all the html section link:- 3. Headings tag link:- 4. Paragraph tag link:- 5. Links in HTML link:- 6. Inserting Images in HTML link:- 7. Inline vs Block Elements link:- 8. Unordered Lists link:- 9. Ordered Lists link:- If you liked the video give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel Techi Technions

Paragrphs Tag in HTML

This knowledge about basic tag i.e tag in html. You can view the tutorial here:- link:-

Paragraph 2para

How to write paragraphs

Graph Theory is Based on Subject

Graph Theory basically is important to know to solve the various subjects theory by seen or solving the question from graphy know to x and y value according

A basic guide to English language

These are the notes of the subject English language for all the people across the world and are targeted to the basic-intermediate English skills. These will prove beneficial to all the people out there accessing these pdfs and help them to score good marks in their exams.