Knowledge in Machine learning

Electrical machines-1(engineering)

This document contains information about the electrical machines and it types and working operations of types of machines and many more.

Machine learning

unit 2 of machine learning

Machine learning

Machine learning introduction

unit 1 ML

Unit 1 complete notes on machine learning

Machine Learning & Tesla

Report on Machine Learning & Tesla.

Blocked Rotor Test - Lab Experiment

Blocked Rotor Test Fundamentals and Questions.

Machine Learning

This is a question paper for Nirma University students. This paper was for 6th-semester students and you can get the references from here.

Projects on Machine Learning and Data Analytics

Here is some cool projects suggestions and ideas on Machine Learning and Data Analytics.

Previous years question papers

All the question papers of 1 semester of my college (St. Xavier college) you will love this because it has all subjects you need

Regression Models in Machine Learning

Regression model estimates the nature of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Change in dependent variables that results from changes in independent variables, ie. size of the relationship. Strength of the relationship. Statistical significance of the relationship.


Support Vector Machine (SVM) was first heard in 1992, introduced by Boser, Guyon, and Vapnik in COLT-92 (Pittsburgh). Set of related supervised learning methods used for classification and regression. Classification and regression prediction tool that uses machine learning theory to maximize predictive accuracy while automatically avoiding over-fit to the data They belong to a family of generalized linear classifiers Became popular after the technique gave accuracy comparable to sophisticated neural networks with elaborated features in a handwriting recognition task It is also being used for many applications, such as hand writing analysis, face analysis and so forth, especially for pattern classification and regression based applications

Genetic Algorithms

Genetic Algorithm is a non traditional optimization technique. It mimics the process of evolution, and hence is called evolutionary technique. It is search algorithms based on the mechanics of natural selection and natural genetics. Based on the “survival of the fittest” concept (Darwinian Theory) eg. Average life expectancy of an Indian is 70 – 80 years. Simulates the process of evolution. (Evolution is an optimization process)