Knowledge in linear search

Data Structure and algorithms

Contains all information about various types of sorting and seraching operations performed in data structures.Time complexities are provided for each and every algorithms in best, worst and average case.

Data Structures Unit 2

This attachment contains information about array and it's use in Data Structure. This describes basic terms used in array concept and it also explains about various techniques and operations which we perform on arrays. This contains searching and sorting techniques in in any array using concepts of data structure. various traversing techniques in an array and their easy algorithms with example. Also contains sorting techniques in an array for example bubble sort and quick sort with their example and algorithm.

Design And Analysis Of Algorithm Ch 2

Analysis Of Algorithms, Time Complexity of an algorithm and space complexity of an algorithm . Asymptotic notations and it's use. Analysis of linear and binary search with example and algorithm. analysis of Bubble sort with examples and algorithm and psuedocode. Amortized analysis. Sequence of operations performed.

Java Program to find the linear search.

Java Program to find the linear search.