Knowledge in Letter writing

Letter Writing,intonation,one word substitutes

These PDFs were about letter writing,intonation,one word substitutes.It includes how to write a letter,format of writing a letter,examples for practising intonation,some one word substitutes etc.

Letter Writing

Following document gives an overview of how a Letter writing is done, steps involved, and contents required in it.

English Writing

This will help in getting the basics clear to write a letter or a mail .Samples of letter and mails is also given along with it.

letter writing skills english

This presentation is prepared by faculty of sreenidhi. It helps to have a better glance of important topics before any competitive exams. It gives us vivid knowledge in different areas. These presentations give better and clear understanding for topics mentioned. These presentations help students to prepare for competitive exams and also to have a quick glance for topics mentioned.


Sample job application and resume writing


This pdf contains content related to KINDS OF BUSINESS LETTERS