Knowledge in jscript

HTML CODE: Scientific Calculator

This code in html and javascript creates a a scientific calculator which allows us to perform multiple operations like addition , multiplication , division , substraction , etc.

HTML CODE: time table

This code creates a timetable for school , college , etc. useful for people who are students , etc.

JavaScript Exercises

JavaScript ExercisesTest Yourself With ExercisesExercise:Create a variable called carName and assign the value Volvo to it.var = ""; Submit Answer »Start the ExerciseJavaScript Quiz TestTest your JavaScript skills at W3Schools!Start JavaScript Quiz!JavaScript Exam - Get Your Diploma!W3Schools' Online CertificationThe perfect solution for professionals who need to balance work, family, and career building.More than 25 000 certificates already issued!The HTML Certificate documents your knowledge of HTML.The CSS Certificate documents your knowledge of advanced CSS.The JavaScript Certificate documents your knowledge of JavaScript and HTML DOM.The Python Certificate documents your knowledge of Python.The jQuery Certificate documents your knowledge of jQuery.The SQL Certificate documents your knowledge of SQL.The PHP Certificate documents your knowledge of PHP and MySQL.The XML Certificate documents your knowledge of XML, XML DOM and XSLT.The Bootstrap Certificate documents your knowledge of the Bootstrap framework.

Java Script classes used in HTML code

It consists of some slides that teach you about bootstrap styling for your website along with some special classes. What all you get to learn from this is Various types of Java Script classes for bootstrap, How to use them in your code, An intro before going towards Bootstrap Web Deployment. Carousel, Accordion, Tooltips, Java Script classes, user Input,etc. If you need any other help than this , you can comment or share your thoughts.

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence,A* Algorithm,Production System,AO* Algorithm,Best First Search,Heuristic Search,Problem Representation in AI,Problem Solving through AI,

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence,A* Algorithm,Production System,AO* Algorithm,Best First Search,Heuristic Search,Problem Representation in AI,Problem Solving through AI,Characteristics of Production System,Constraint Satisfaction,Applications of AI or AI-Related Fields,Major Components of an AI System,Importance of Artificial Intelligence,Knowledge Representation,Knowledge Representation Schemes, Declarative and Procedural Frames,Scripts,Logic,Natural Language Processing,Fundamental Problems in NLP,Phases of Natural Language Processing,Expert Systems,Architecture and Modules of Expert System,Knowledge Acquisition Strategies:,Personnel Involved in Expert System Development