Knowledge in Green chemistry

Green chemistry

Green chemistry (sustainable chemistry): Design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of substances hazardous to humans, animals, plants, and the environment.this notes covers all the important topics of the chapter.Its helpful for the quick revision for the chapter. This chapter was taught to the students of first year of DELHI TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY(one of the top engineering colleges of india). thank you :)

engineering chemistry -Green chemistry

the branch of science concerned with the substances of which matter is composed, the investigation of their properties and reactions, and the use of such reactions to form new substances.


This pdf contains the III MID SEMESTER (II YEAR) question paper of GREEN TECHNOLOGY . This paper is also mentioned with proper marking schemes. Also all syllabus is covered in this pdf. This paper is conducted by PETROCHEMICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT at DR. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY.

Principles of Green Chemistry (chemistry project)

A simple theory of Chemistry practical based on Principles of Green Chemistry (chemistry project)


These are the notes of the subject ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY for engineering and are targeted to one of the difficult subtopics of GREEN CHEMISTRY. These will prove beneficial to both FY and SY Engineering students of all branches and help them to score good marks in their exams.