Environmental Studies

some more knowledge about Environmental Studies

BCA-Environmental Studies

Environmental science is an interdisciplinary academic field that integrates physical, biological and information sciences to the study of the environment, and the solution of environmental problems. Environmental science emerged from the fields of natural history

Environment - Air Pollution

Air pollution occurs when harmful or excessive quantities of substances including gases, particles, and biological molecules are introduced into Earth's atmosphere. Indoor air pollution and poor urban air quality are listed as two of the world's worst toxic pollution problems in the 2008 Blacksmith Institute World's Worst Polluted Places report

Water Management

Every B.Tech first years have to study some subjects which they don't have any interest to. So that's why i have created few notes on the topic so that it would be easier for students to focus on their field of Interests. These notes will fetch you marks on the D-day and are point to point.

Environmental Safety Engineering

Every B.Tech first years have to study some subjects which they don't have any interest to. So that's why i have created few notes on the topic so that it would be easier for students to focus on their field of Interests. These notes will fetch you marks on the D-day and are point to point.

human wildlife conflict in indian context

it includes history, nature of human wildlife conflict, outcome of conflict, hidden dimensions of conflict, conflict resolution and management,management techniques, approach

Environmental & Safety Engineering Questions

Chapters are nothing without practice. Practice makes a man perfect. So there are ample of questions to be practiced to improve and test your preparation level. These questions are taken from various books and approved by our teachers. Will help to fetch you good marks in exam.

Concise Environmental Engineering P5

Books are very expensive these days. A good book will cost around Rs. 1000 and above. I have some books to share which is used by everyone in our college. These books are great with lots of examples, theories, concepts etc. Will help a lot in fetching good marks.

Environment Protection Act and Key Rules

Environment Protection Act and Key Rules with clear explanations

Sustainable development

Sustainable development and its description ppt , structure

Biodiversity And Biotic Resources

UNIT-III Biodiversity And Biotic Resources with detailed explanation.