Knowledge in Diffraction

Interference and diffraction of light

This PDFs consists of information about interference and diffraction prepared by our senior physics faculty.The language in this PDFs can be easily understood by the students.It contains detailed description about 1.interference 2.diffraction 3.newton rings experiment and also questions which are important and mostly given in semester end exam.

Waves and optics-Assignments

These are the questions given as assignment from the chapters interference,diffraction,laser,optical fibre.All these questions are given to us on the basis of semester end exam.These topics are related to Communication which are helpful to ECE students.

Engineering Physics

This document covers the topic of the subject, Engineering Physics. And the topics covered are; 1. Interference 2. Diffraction 3. Polarization 4. Laser & Optical fibre

Engineering Physics Diffraction

This document consist of Diffraction for RTU end term examination.This will help students to prepare for the question type of university examination.


diffraction of light is welly explained here along with pictures .

Interference & Diffraction (Engineering Physics) Notes

Condition of Interference, Llyod's Principal, Stroke's Law, Newton's Ring, Condition for Maxima & Minima, Michelson's Interference and Diffraction concepts are explained in these IET notes


These are the notes of the subject Engineering Physics for engineering and are targeted to one of the difficult subtopics of the Diffraction of Light. These will prove beneficial to FY Engineering students of all branches and help them to score good marks in their exams.

Diffraction PPT for engineering (1st year)

It contains a ppt which will help you to get knowledge about diffraction which you will require in your first year of B.Tech.

Important questions of fraction and decimal

Important questions of fraction and decimal Both fractions and decimals are just two ways to represent numbers. Fractions are written in the form of p/q, where q≠0, while in decimals, the whole number part and fractional part are connected through a decimal point, for example, 0.5