Knowledge in Differences

Communication-formal,informal, verbal,non-verbal

Communication is one of the most important skills that you need to succeed in the workplace.Communication is a two way process, so improving communication involves both how we send and receive messages.These PDFs contain the information about types of communication,barriers to effective communication, differences between them.And also contains about listening skills. All these things play an important role in building a good career to a student.Effective communication skills are fundamental to success in many aspects of life. Effective communication is a key to learn how to improve our communication has many benefits. Effective communication is important for the development of an organization.Communication skills whether written or oral form the basis of any business activity.

While loop and do while loop

While and do while

Contract of Indemnity and Contract of guarantee

Differences between contract of guarantee and contract of Indemnity


Differences between capital and revenue expenditure.

Computer networking important differences

This pdf contains three important differences : 1. TCP vs OSI 2.IPv4 vs Ipv6 3. TCP vs UDP

Discrete mathematics-difference equations with variables

In this pdf there is problems and detailed concepts related to discrete Mathematics and regarding difference equations with variables .

Difference between the sludges and scales

Access this pdf for differences between sludges and scales and more information about it