shivam mishra

Project Traniee

Student at Aravali College of Engineering and Management

Studied at Aravali college of Engineering and Management

Crack/Hack windows password

This presentation is about  how to change the windows 7 administrator password without know it. If  you have some Basic Techinical knowledge of computer and you follow these steps you can do it. In this a command is given control userpasswords2 (for all windows operating systems 7/8/10) you can directly run this command in command prompt by running command prompt in administrater and from this you see a dialog box (when you see that you know what to do).this option is work on both cases i.e when you normally use your computer or your friend's computer. (THIS IS ONLY FOR KNOWLEDGE PURPOSE) 

PPT on ISO standards

Basic Descryption of ISO standard.

Fuzzy Logic

This Presentation is Helpful to understand the Basic concept of fuzzy logic in Artificial Intelligence.

8259-Programmable Interrupt Controller

From this presentation you may learn about the Basic of 8259-Programmable Interrupt Controller which is used with microprocessers to manage the interrupt or to increase the interrupt Handelling capacity of microprocessers