Knowledge in Probability & statistics

Completely Randomized Design

This is the simplest type of design in which the whole experimental material is divided into a number of experimental units.In this note you will know about structure of analysis of variance and merits - demerits of CRD.

Latin Square Design

these designs are used to simultaneously control (or eliminate) two sources of nuisance variability.In this note you will know more about LSD.

Sampling & its Classification

Sampling is a process used in statistical analysis in which a predetermined number of observations are taken from a larger population. The methodology used to sample from a larger population depends on the type of analysis being performed but may include simple random sampling or systematic sampling.

Tabulation & its type

Tabulation is the process by which classified data are presented in an orderly manner in proper row and columns. You will know about its type.

Probability (All Formulas and Definitions)

Probability. Probability is the likelihood or chance of an event occurring. For example, the probability of flipping a coin and it being heads is ½, because there is 1 way of getting a head and the total number of possible outcomes is 2 (a head or tail). We write P(heads) = ½ .

Statistics in 10th Class Mathematics

Statistics is a mathematical body of science that pertains to the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data, or as a branch of mathematics. ... Descriptive statistics can be used to summarize the population data.

Introduction to set theory

In this we cover all set theory

Probability Puzzles

The pdf contains 5 interesting but difficult probability puzzles that test your ability to resist intuition and makes you think logically in a step-by-step decision making process.

Probability of Modal Verbs

Modal verbs for probabilityA modal verb is a word that expresses mood or attitude toward the action verb.  Obligation  - must, have to, ought to, be supposed to, should  Volition     - want to, would like to, intend to  Ability      - can, could, be able to  Desire      - want, want to, would like to, like to, love to, would love/hate to  Probability  - may be, might be, could be, can be, will be.Using modal verbs to express probability is sometimes a source of confusion for English learners.The modal verbs below are the indicative case. They indicate a fact or actuality.Indicative  100%  90%   80%   70%   60%   50%  shall   will   want to  must  can   mayIf the Almighty says it shall rain, then it shall rain with 100% certainty.If the weatherman says it will rain, it will rain with about 90% certainty. (He's only human.)If there are dark, stormy clouds in the sky and the wind is blowing hard, we might say "It wants to rain," but the probability is only around 80% that it will indeed rain.If it hasn't rained in a while, and the humidity is high, you can say "it must rain," but the probability that it will (do as it must) is only around 70%.If the weatherman has said there is a 60% chance of rain, then be prepared because it can rain even if you hope it won't.If the weather report calls for only a 50% chance, then you have more reason to hope, but it may still rain in spite of your optimism.SubjunctiveThe modal verbs below are the subjunctive case. They express what is imagined or wished for. Each indicative modal verb has a subjunctive partner which cuts the probability in half. 50%   45%     40%       35%     30%    25%should  would   would like to  ought to   could   mightWhile a declaration using "shall" shows certain and definite intentions, using "should" throws the intention into complete doubt. If a smoker says "I should quit smoking," there is a 50% chance that he/she won't do it, so it sounds doubtful. However, if your boss says "I should give you a raise," it might sound hopeful to you. Beware though that there is still only a 50% chance that you will get that raise, so don't count on it too heavily.If you ask a friend to help you do a task, and they reply "I would..," then you know you will soon hear the word "but..," and the chances that your friend will actually help you are only 45% - less than half, but still a possibility. Instead of "but" the next word could be "if" which means that if certain conditions are met, your friend would indeed come through for you.If, however, your friend says "I would like to..," you can be sure that the next word is "but" and that the likelihood of getting help from this friend is only 40%.Returning to the smoker who says "I ought to quit smoking," you can be fairly certain that he/she has little intention of quitting. Even if they must (70%), using the words "ought to" drops the probability to a mere 35% leaving major doubt about the smokers intention to quit.Returning to the weather forecast, if the weatherman predicts a 30% chance of rain, we might not be too concerned that it will rain on our picnic, but we should be prepared because it could still rain that day.If the forecast is only for 25%, few of us will worry, but there is still a (slim) chance that it might rain on our picnic nevertheless.Modal Verb Probability Chart 100%    90%    80%        70%      60%     50% shall     will     want to      must     can     may 50%    45%     40%       35%     30%    25% should   would   would like to  ought to   could   mightenglishinteractive.netThe chart above shows the relationships of probability among the modal verbs. The subjunctive partner of each indicative modal verb cuts its probability in half. When using modal verbs to express probability the relationships are somewhat different from the basic meanings. The basic meanings of "must" and "should" are quite close together when they both express obligation. If your parents tell you that you "should" behave, they are politely saying that you "must" behave. According to the probability chart, however, those two are far apart from each other, so they can't be used as synonyms of each other.If you suspect that a situation exists, the strongest probability that you can assign that suspicion is 70%. That is, the situation must exist. (- as far as you know - Otherwise, you could say that it does exist.) Saying "the situation should exist," at 50%, drops the probability a full 20% below "must exist," so it isn't interchangeable in this sense. Something must be the matter with Molly today. She may be angry about something. She could be upset about her exams, but she should have passed them easily. She can't be upset about her upcoming birthday, because she should be getting that car she wanted. She must be happy about that.She could be upset about her computer. It must be broken again. She just had it repaired, so it should be working fine. 

Probability handwritten notes (Engineering maths)

Handwritten notes on probability for engineering mathematics.