Knowledge in Other

Always hungry,Why?

Always Feeling Hungry? You Might Be Simply Thirsty You’ve eaten lunch. You felt really full. But two hours later, you feel hungry again. Then you go to get a pack of snacks. Gradually you’re gaining weight. And you ask…what’s happening? Why my appetite is growing so fast? You start to suspect if you have parasite in your body, or if you have diabetes. All these are possible. But most of the time, you’re just thirsty. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated and don’t even know it. And the problem is, most people can’t tell the difference between hunger and thirst. What? Even a kid would be able to tell the differences? Look at the signs of hunger and signs of thirst below first. signs of hunger and thrist 1.feeling weak                                                                  1.feeling weak   2.being irretable                                                                2..being irretable 3.headache                                                                      3.headache                       4.rumbling stomatch                                                          4.dry mouth As you can see, 3 out of 4 common signs of hunger and thirst are the same. What’s more, the part of the brain that deals with hunger and thirst feelings is the same. With the same part interpreting both signals, it becomes confusing to offer the perfect solution. So, how not to be tricked? One tip is that feelings of true hunger come gradually, but not suddenly. When in doubt, always guess in favor of hydration. It’s unlikely that you’ll ever over hydrate but it’s always so easy to overeat. Make it a habit. Drink a glass of water or herbal tea at least 30 minutes before a meal or snack. This way, you’ll be more aware of the true extent of your appetite, you’ll absorb the water more effectively, and you won’t dilute your stomach acid while it’s trying to digest. Dehydration may play a bigger role in your life than you realize. Luckily, it’s an easy fix. Learn to drink more water and not only will you find that your hunger cravings are reduced, but you’ll also feel better in general!

We don't talk anymore

How to Negotiate When the Person You're Talking to Is Stubborn Itcan be very frustrating when the person you are talking to is stubborn. It can feel like they are not willing to listen to a word that you are saying, which makes you wonder why you are even bothering to make your point in the first place. However it may be more than just stubbornness that is stopping your friend from changing their mind. According to psychologists, the more one person tries to convince someone else of something they don’t agree with, the more the other person will blindly stand their ground. 1 This might make it seem like it is impossible to change their mind, but that isn’t the case. In reality you can use useful negotiation tips to help the other person see your point of view, and this can be beneficial for both of you; it opens your minds up to new ideas and it makes it easier for you to understand each other. If you want someone to see your point of view, here are four useful negotiation tactics that will help 1.Present Both Sides Of The Argument 2.Focus On Showing Them The Whole Picture, Rather Than Trying To Prove Them Wrong 3.Highlight The Negative Parts Of Your Argument 4.Point Out That In The End It Is Their Decision

Personal values matter

What’s important to you? Your morning coffee? Making time to walk your dog? Getting that assignment to your boss on time? Okay, but what’s valuable to you? According to Atlantic Magazine, 7 out of 10 Americans say people’s values have been getting worse in America over the past decade.1 What are your personal values? What Are Values? Your values are a testament to your true self, because they are what matter most to you when it comes to personal and professional life. Your values influence that little voice in your head that tells you whether or not to care about something, and how you should prioritize your time. What Should I Do With My Core Values? Just sit down and make a list of what comes to mind, and let yourself explore those core values words. There is no set limit on how many values you can have, but allow yourself to list as many as you can.

Don't hesitate to do silly things

The More We Allow Ourselves To Do Silly Things, The More Confident We Become How should a confident person be like? Someone who does everything well, believes in his competence, and has pride in his achievements? Or someone who does stupid things occasionally in front of others? The former description might seem to fit the typical definition of confident people. Innumerable articles and discussions tell us that to be more confident, we need to remind ourselves of what we have achieved whenever we doubt ourselves. But what if the answer is the other way round? In fact, the ones who are more willing to accept their idiocies are more confident. Some people are not really that confident. We are conscious of our competence and achievements because they are probably the only solid things in our lives to prove our abilities and strengths. We say Usain Bolt is an excellent sprinter not just because he is physically strong but because he has the ability to break world records. The recognition and pride that come from within are our sources of confidence. But in the long term, if we will care too much about our dignity and overestimate our importance, we will easily avoid situations that threaten them. Let’s say if Bolt were someone who cared much about his dignity, it is very likely that he would refuse when someone invited him to participate in any competition as he would fear that failure would damage his image as a great runner. Confidence built upon our competence achievements might not be something that we should look for. Accept our stupidity is the way to build true confidence. Make fun of yourself! Allowing yourself to make mistakes and laugh at yourself afterwards is the key to build your confidence. If you are a lost tourist, you can embrace your innocence and kindly ask for direction despite the fact that people might regard you with contempt. But it’s totally fine. You can simply laugh at yourself for not getting well-prepared for your trip. When you laugh at yourself more often, you will realize that you don’t need to be perfect to be accepted. We can do nothing about our stupidity as it is an inborn quality of the human race. How great it is to know that even the greatest people are as stupid as we are! The true confidence we have will allow us to give things a go and accept whatever happens to us.

Thinking of sadists

What Sadists Are Actually Thinking And Why Nodoubt you saw this coming, the novel Fifty Shades of Gray by E.L. James has transformed and fetishized the sadomasochist dynamic. There has been a movement if you will of primarily women who wish to nurture their inner freak, ideally at the hands of a handsome and complicated billionaire. Ahh, Harley Quinn, the sexy and shall we say quirky super villain who is notorious for her obedience and devotion to the manipulative and sadistic Joker. In the film Suicide Squad, Harley literally throws herself into a vat of toxic waste to prove her undying commitment to her psychotically endearing counterpart. Although their relationship is clearly a case of cut and dry domestic abuse, there is something alluring about their compatibility. Stepping outside of the world of literature and fantasy, some of our beloved and renowned celebrities have a dark and sadomasochistic side of a sexual nature. Angelina Jolie is not bashful when it comes to disclosing intimate details about her sexual urges. Rhianna is another example, proclaiming her naughty side with lyrics such as, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but chains and whips excite me.” But has sexiness in sadism been overrated these days?

Are you emotionally exploited ?

Are You Being Emotionally Exploited?Are You Being Emotionally Exploited? Have you ever been part of an interaction with another person that left you feeling drained, confused, and inadequate? You may have been dealing with an emotional manipulator. These people get an A+ in stealth coercion. Often times, you’ll walk away from these situations giving the other person exactly what he/she wanted without even realizing that you gave it to them in the first place. It may start out as a completely normal conversation. Maybe you came to them because something they said or did upset you and, like the grown up person you are, you pulled them aside to try and talk it out. Or, maybe there’s actually no conversation at all. Maybe this person is someone you have to be around a lot: An in-law, a co-worker, or a boss. Maybe he/she uses body language and nonverbal cues that make it more than clear that you aren’t welcome, accepted, or liked, but then when he/she speaks with you, it’s in the most polite and sincere tone you have ever heard. Emotional manipulators (or Machiavellian-Feeling Ninjas, as I like to call them) are skilled deceivers. They usually have high emotional intelligence and can bend and shape any social interaction to their advantage. They are shrewd observers, taking in the communication around them and easily establishing a baseline on individuals which they will use to analyze that person’s strengths and weaknesses. They may even ask probing questions in conversational tones in order to get a better fix on you. Once they have you down, they’ll use their knowledge to exert dominance over you.

why in a relationship ?

You Don't Have To Be In A Relationship To Be Happy, You Just Need To Understand Yourself Your life feels incomplete, so what’s the first thing that you do? You start looking for your perfect match, the person who can fill that big hole in your heart and change your life forever. You may feel like each relationship you try is a dead-end. There’s something dissatisfying about each of them, but you can’t give up. You’re afraid of being on your own because you’re afraid that you’re incapable of being happy on your own. In reality, being alone and learning to strengthen your relationship with yourself can be rewarding and liberating and will help you find true and lasting happiness. What Feeling Alone Really Means Feeling alone isn’t always synonymous with being alone. Most of us have experienced the feeling of loneliness when we’re with family, friends, or even a partner. On the flip side, sometimes we’ve felt content and connected when we were on our own. You’ve probably felt an aching sense of loneliness at the most unlikely times and wondered, how could I feel this way? The answer? You may not feel understood or loved by the people around you at that moment. You feel like they aren’t giving you something you need. Here’s the punchline: they may have nothing to do with it! Your loneliness may be stemming from your lack of love and understanding for yourself. How Learning to Be Alone Can Enrich Your Relationships Solitude is a powerful tool that can strengthen you and your relationship with others.1 People often underestimate its value. Because of suburban living, there are many who experience solitude very rarely and to whom the idea of being alone for a long period of time is a foreign concept. In most relationships, one or both of the people involved feels like they need to get their sense of identity from the other and that their partner is responsible for making sure they don’t feel alone. This is unrealistic and unreasonable. The best relationships are formed between people who are totally comfortable and happy by themselves, but who choose to be with someone else because they love them. By learning to be alone, you can become more whole as a person, making every aspect of your life, including any relationships, indescribably better.

Learn, how to Understand Yourself ?

You may be thinking that all of this is easier said than done. That’s understandable. We all have a certain amount of programming and bad habits in our brains that can sometimes make change difficult. But we are nothing if not flexible. There are several things you can start doing right now that will help you to understand yourself and maybe even enjoy your own company. Go on quiet walks on your own in nature. Nature puts us in tune with our mind and body and relieves depression. Enjoying nature for a little while every day can help you feel more content in being alone with yourself . Journal. Don’t worry about whether or not you’re a good writer. In fact, don’t worry about what you’re writing about at all. Use the “stream of consciousness” technique.Journaling can be a great way to vent and relieve tension and can help you reach a better understanding of your own mind. You needn’t devote much time to this activity unless it feels right. Five to ten minutes should suffice. Use art of any kind. Whether it’s music, painting, or just coloring, art is an invaluable tool to help you connect with your deeper self in a more meaningful level. Many people use coloring to put their mind into a meditative or calm state when traditional meditation doesn’t work for them. Meditate. Meditating is probably one of the most tried and true methods to help you gain a deeper understanding and love for yourself. Just remember if it’s your first time, not to be discouraged if you can’t completely relax into a meditation. The key to a happy life isn’t a happy relationship. The trick is to realize that you’re beautiful, wonderful, and whole all by yourself. Take some time to get to know the wonderful being that is you. The only side effects are increased happiness and health!

Wanna To Be Happy , Try Losing Things

The idea that possessions make us happy is an illusion. Putting all our happiness into things and even people or past experiences is ultimately allowing us to cultivate a notion that happiness doesn’t come from within — that it’s reliant on outside circumstances and objects. We put so much emphasis on what our possessions mean to us that we conclude, that having these things in our life must be what’s bringing us happiness. However, what if we just let things go? Whether it’s a person or a possession, letting go can feel painful and we often wonder how can pain possibly bring happiness? Our mind tends to focus on the illogical aspect of this but in essence, letting go of things will lead us to live much more happy and fulfilling lives. Let Go of the Idea That Happiness Is Contained In Your Current Possessions This is a huge misconception. Whether it’s that pair of shoes, the car, the latest smartphone, or the person we’ve been longing after — our mind believes that our lives will get better and we’ll be happier only when these things enter into our lives. And yes, they might make us feel excitement and joy for a short while but our ability to adapt to our environments and what’s in it causes us to get bored easily and move on to the next thing that’ll bring us happiness again. Even in relationships, we believe a certain person will make us happy but sometimes you find out they just don’t. So it’s important to let go of the idea that happiness can be found by external means. If you let go of this idea you will come to realize that nothing around you contributes to your happiness other than inside yourself. Let Go of What You Can’t Control Let Go of Your Past Possessions Let Go of The People Who Don’t Serve Your Present Pain, More Often Than Not, Leads To Happiness

Your face don't tell your Attractiveness

Ever wondered why there are some people who fit into the convention of beauty and yet are not as popular as opposed to an average Jill or Joe, who garners far more attention? The secret to attractiveness doesn’t lie in your features, your clothes or even your groomed personality. It lies in your emotions! What’s The Measure of Attractiveness? New research by Silke Anders, a professor of Social and Affective Neuroscience at the University of Lübeck, indicates that most people are drawn to people who understand their emotions the best.1 So basically, if someone ‘gets’ us, we find them attractive. And the opposite is also true. The more certain we are of thinking that we know what the other person is feeling; the more attracted we are to him, or her. It’s about the sending of emotional signals and of perceiving them – which sounds pretty simple in theory but is often not. Most of us tend to hide the visual cues of our emotions and become pretty adept at it. But it’s this very quality that becomes a roadblock in our levels of attractiveness. To be more attractive to others, we need to be more of an open book than a secretive one and let people see what we are feeling by facial cues. Can This Quality Be Adapted? To make yourself more attractive to others, you need to project your emotions as clearly as possible. The more comprehensible emotions that you project to others, the more your levels of attractiveness increase – if a person is able to judge what you are feeling accurately because of your clear emotional projection, then his or her brain’s reward system fires up and in doing so – makes you more attractive  in that person’s eyes. Remember that this is not an advice to let the waterworks flow; just don’t try to be stoic all the time. Let those lips droop when sad, or those eyes sparkle in happiness – the more people are able to read you, the more attractive they will find you. A Last Bit of Advice Instead of letting the whole world and sundry see what we are feeling, perhaps it better to let our guard down when with someone that we find attractive, and who we want to perceive our attractiveness. And once in a relationship, it’s a good thing to keep working at our emotional projection then too – for we want our significant others to keep perceiving our attractiveness in a good, healthy way…

Make a conversation with anyone

Let’s start with a question: how many of you know the people who are living on the same floor as you? If yes, then do you remember first conversation you had with that person? Conversations are links, which means when you have a conversation with a new person a link gets formed and every conversation you have after that moment will strengthen the link. You meet new people everyday; the grocery worker, the cab driver, new people at work or the security guard at the door. Simply starting a conversation with them will form a link. Now imagine your life with these conversation links. How many you can remember? Believe me, I tried but after 20 I forgot the count. It’s like a world wide web of conversation links, which can give you a whole new perspective. A conversation opens a door, conversation can make war and it can make peace as well. Conversation defines who we are as a human race. Think about it, you will begin knowing nothing about every single person in your life right now – the single thing that breaks the ice is the first conversation. Here are 7 simple ways that you can make the first move and start a conversation with strangers. 1. Just say it-hey, hy 2. Skip the small talk 3. Find the “me too”s 4. Pay a unique compliment 5. Ask for an opinion 6. Be present 7. Name, places, animal, things-remember about him

Relation mistakes we always made

We’ve all been there before, head over heels in love and sure our partner is “the one”. We spend every waking moment together and dream about what the future will bring. We’re sure this is the deepest love we’ve ever felt. And then the day comes when the relationship doesn’t work out. Those breakups can be the most painful and often leave us asking ourselves, “what happened?” When you’re young, it can be easy to commit the biggest relationship mistake in the dating world: Thinking love is enough to sustain a relationship. Patty Smyth had it right when she sang, “Baby, sometimes love just ain’t enough.” But don’t worry. You’re not alone. Everybody experiences this relationship mistake at one time or another. It’s all part of learning more about ourselves. How to Avoid the Biggest Relationship Mistake Maybe you’re thinking, how can the biggest relationship mistake be thinking that love is enough? What more could a relationship possibly need? The answer is: plenty. When you rely on love alone to sustain your relationship, it can be easy to forget about some other very important factors. But don’t worry, we’re going to take a look at just what’s missing from these relationships. 1.Trust 2.Understanding 3.Respect 4.Communication 5.Be Able to Spend Time Apart 6.Support