Knowledge in Microeconomics

Ch-7 Revenue class 11th

The knowledge consists of brief explanation of Ch-7 of microeconomics of class 11th.

Ch-5 Production Function Class 11th

The knowledge consists of notes of Ch-5 Production Function of microeconomics of class 11th.

investment multiplier

There is notes on the microeconomics of investment multiplier topic bcom semester 2 level

Income and employment

These notes contain microeconomics notes of income and employment topics along with aggregate demand and an explanation of this related to bcom hons 2 semester topics covered AD Components aggregate demand in two sector economy

Average propensity to consume Marginal propensity to consume APC V/s MPC

this notes contain microeconomics of topic Average propensity to consume Marginal propensity to consume APC V/s MPC

theory of income consumption and function

notes related to microeconomics bcom hons 2 semester topic THEORY OF INCOME & CONSUMPTION FUNCTION