Knowledge in Introductory macroeconomics question papers

Barter system of exchange

Barter system of exchange and its demerits are discussed as per CBSE syllabus.

Barter system of exchange

Barter system of exchange and its demerits are discussed as per CBSE syllabus.

Balance of Payment and Its various accounts.

This contains definition of Balanace of payment, accounts prepared under BOP i.e. Current accpunt BOP, Capital account BOP. Credit items of BOP accou t are also discussed. This is relevant for class 12th CBSE board.

Excess demand and its consequences

This contains definition and emergence of Excess demand. Tabular and diagramatic presentation of Excess demand wit various consequences of it. This topic is relevant for class 12th.

Siricilla tragedy and its consequences

Thus contains everything regarding the Siricilla tragedy, its occurance, consequences. This is relevant for class 12th.

Sample question paper for Macro economics and India Economy

This contains sample question paper of macroeconomics and indian economy with marking scheme for it. This is relevant for class 12th.

Sample question paper for Macro economics and India Economy

This contains sample question paper of macroeconomics and indian economy with marking scheme for it. This is relevant for class 12th.

Class 12 Government Budget question answers

Question and Answers Macroeconomics CBSE Class 12 Government Budget .

Economics- Class XII CBSE

Class XII-Economics-Macroeconomics-Foreign Exchange Rate, Currency Appreciation, Currency depreciation, Devaluation, revaluation.

Income method

Income method for calculation of national income, components included for calculation of national income

Components of Demand for Foreign Exchange

this contains conponents of demand for foreign exchange and how it affects the economy? This is relevant for Class 12th.

Managed Floating and application

This contains the concept of managed floating and how it is performed to correct the situation of excess and deficient demand. This is relevant for class 12th.