Knowledge in Digital electronics

Basics of electronics TRC

Basics of electronics of trc club of sreenidhi institute of science and technology, telangana

Digital Electronics Chapter 2

Classification of binary codes and coding system description . Binary to Decimal coding system. Excess-3 coding system. Gray coding system. Gray to binary conversion and binary to gray conversion. ASCII code and it's use .

Digital Electronics Ch-3

Concepts of digital circuit and logic design, Theorem of boolean algebra. AND law, OR law, De Morgan's Law. Principle of duality, inverse theorem, Universal gates using NAND and NOR gates. Sum Of Products form and Product Of Sum Form.

Encoder And Decoder Digital Electronics

Encoder and types of Encoder. OCtal to binary encoder, Decimal to BCD encoder, Priority Encoder etc. Decoders and types of Decoders. Parallel Decoder . BCD to Decimal decoder. BCD to Seven Segment Decoder.

boolean algebra

Boolean algebra is to simplify boolean expressions and to convert them into a minimized and simpler form.

basics of semiconductor- Assignment

Will test your knowledge of basics of semiconductor.

digital number systems

Learn conversions from one number system to another in the est simplified way possible . For example from binary to decimal, decimal to hexadecimal, hexadecimal to octal and vice-versa.

digital number system - ASSIGNMENT

Practice these questions and have a grasp on digital number system.

digital number system - Assignment Solution

Go through the solution thoroughly and analyse your mistake.

boolean algebra - Assignment

Practice theses questions on Boolean Algebra and brush up your concepts.

boolean algebra-Assigment Solution

Analyse your mistakes and make sure you don't repeat them in future.

Single Phase Study Papers

this is topic of single phase study here we study only one topic which important for board exam as well multiple and single questions answered