Knowledge in dbms

Boyce codd Normal Form

Boyce codd normal form, Normalisation, database Management System complete notes for students pursuing computer science engineering.

Canonical covers and minimal covers

Database Management System, Normalisation, canonical covers and minimal covers. Relevant for students pursuing computer science engineering or having the subject dbms.

Checkpoints Transactions DBMS

Database Management System, Transactions, complete ppt of the topic Checkpoints. Relevant for students pursuing computer science engineering or having the subject dbms.

Closures, Normalisation, DBMS

Database Management System, Normalisation, Closures complete ppt. Relevant for students pursuing computer science engineering or having the subject dbms.

Concurrency control Transaction, DBMS

Database Management System, Transaction, concurrency control notes. Relevant for students pursuing computer science engineering or having the subject dbms.

Conflict equivalent schedule, transactions

Database Management System, Transactions, conflict equivalent schedule notes. Relevant for students pursuing computer science engineering or having the subject dbms.

Conflict serializability, Transactions, DBMS

Database Management System, transactions, conflict serializability notes. Relevant for students pursuing computer science engineering or having the subject dbms.

Transaction, Database Management System.

Database Management System, Transactions complete notes of the topic. Relevant for students pursuing computer science engineering or having the subject dbms.

Decomposition and its desirable properties

Database Management System, Normalisation, Decomposition and it's desirable properties topic complete notes. Relevant for students pursuing computer science engineering or having this subject.

Decomposition and it's desirable properties 2

Database Management System, Decomposition and it's desirable properties part 2. Topics included are dependency perseverance. Relevant for students pursuing computer science engineering or having the subject dbms.

Domain relational Calculus

Database Management System, Domain relational Calculus notes. Relevant for students pursuing computer science engineering or having the subject dbms.

Functional Dependencies

Database Management System, Normalisation, Functional Dependencies. Relevant for students pursuing computer science engineering or having the subject dbms.