Knowledge in data strcutures

Data Structures

Data Structures and Algorithm

Data structures (trees)

This ppt contains trees in data structures prepared by experienced faculty for the better understanding of students. Trees Binary Trees Terminology Representation Tree Traversals Graphs Terminology Representation Graph Traversals DFS and BFS

Data structures (linked lists)

This ppt includes information about the linked lists in data structures. Contents in ppt are Singly Linked List Doubly Linked List Circular Linked List Representing Stack with Linked List. Representing Queue with Linked List.

Data structures introduction

This ppt is beggining of the data structures course prepared by experienced faculty for the better understanding of students. Contents in it are Introduction to Data Structures Abstract data type (ADT) Stacks, Queues and Circular Queues and their implementation with arrays Stack Applications: Infix to Post fix conversion Postfix expression evaluation. Applications of Queues

Tree Structure

Introduction to trees in Data structure.

Analysis & Designing Of Algorithm (ADA)

Topics Covered are: UNIT-1=Algorithms,Designing Algorithms,Analysis of algorithms,Algorithm Complexity,Algorithm Analysis ,Asymptotic notations,Heap and heap sort ,Introduction To Divide & Conquor Method, Binary Search,Merge Sort,Quick Sort,Strassen's Matrix Multiplication. UNIT-2= Greedy Strategy Introduction,Feasible solution,Optimal solution,Optimal merge patterns,Huffman Coding,Minimum Cost Spanning Tree,Prim's Algorithm,Krushkal's Algorithm,Knapsack problem ,Fractional Knapsack ,Job Sequence with Deadline,Single Source Shortest Path Algorithm. UNIT-3=Dynamic Programming Introduction,Properties,0/1 knapsack, Dynamic-Programming Approach ,Multi Stage Graph ,Reliability Design,Floyd-Warshall Algorithm. UNIT-4= Backtracking Introduction,Applications of Backtracking,N-Queens Problem,Hamiltonian Cycle,Graph Coloring,15 puzzle Problem,Least Cost Search. UNIT-5= Introduction to branch & bound method ,Travelling Salesman Problem,Lower Bound Theory ,NP Completeness & NP Hard Problems,Concept of Nondeterministic Algorithms.

Data Structure(DS) Gate Questions

Data Structure all topics questions

Graphs- Data structures

Contains detailed notes of graphs-Data structures relating to 1st Btech students of R15 regulation.

Linked lists- data structures

Contains notes of Linked lists regarding data structures of 1st Btech students of R15 regulation.

Queues- data structures

Contains notes on queues starting from basic till priority queues related to 1st btech students of R15 regulation.

Searching- data structures

Contains notes about searching related to btech 1st year students of R15 regulation..

Sorting-data structures.

Contains notes about sorting related to 1st btech students of R15 regulation.