Knowledge in Computer Architecture

Lab file for addition/subs of 3-bit numbers

Complete circuit diagram and the experiment for how to perform addition/subtraction of two 3-bit numbers. The circuit is able to detect the overflow also. Available IC's are : 7400 NAND ( 2 bit Input ), 7402 NOR ( 2 bit Input ), 7404 NOT ( 2 bit Input ), 7408 AND ( 2 bit Input ), 7432 OR ( 2 bit Input ), 7486 EX-OR ( 2 bit Input )

Lab file for 1 bit ALU experiment

Lab file for the experiment to design a 1 bit- ALU which can perform the following operations: a) And b) OR, c) NAND, addition and subtraction. Available IC's are : 7400 NAND ( 2 bit Input ), 7402 NOR ( 2 bit Input ), 7404 NOT ( 2 bit Input ), 7408 AND ( 2 bit Input ), 7432 OR ( 2 bit Input ), 7486 EX-OR ( 2 bit Input ), 4:1 MUX

Lab file for 4-bit Counter

Lab file for the experiment to design 4-bit counter using signed magnitude representation. The following sequence has to be followed in the counter: {-7,-6, -5,.................0..............5, 6,7 , -7 .........} using D-flip flop and basic available IC's.

1 bit AlU circuit diagram and truth table

Circuit digaram and turth table for 1 bit ALU which and perform addition , substraction , OR , AND , and NAND operation.

1 bit AlU circuit diagram and truth table

Circuit digaram and turth table for 1 bit ALU which and perform addition , substraction , OR , AND , and NAND operation.

Floating Point Representation

Floating Points Numbers and reprsentation, IEEE standard for floating point numbers, arithmetic operation on floating point numbers, range in floating point number representation

4 bit counter

Complete circuit diagram, truth table and step wise method to compute a 4 bit counter using sign magnitude representation following the sequence from -7 to +7.

Instruction set architecture - Introduction

Basic introduction of intruction Set Architecture, Byte Addressebility in Assembly Language, Instruction format used in Assembly Language(Three Address, two address, one address, zero address).

Addressing Modes in Assembly Language

Different addresing modes used in Assembly Language like Immediate addressing, Direstc addresing, register addressing , etc.

Instruction Representation

Representation of instruction in the list file, types of instructions, function calling in assembly language.

Memory Unit in Computer Organisation

Memory Unit, how memory is stored, internal organisation of memory, semiconductor, memories.

Memory organisation

These arethe notes of memory organistaion in computer