Knowledge in complex integration

Mathematics chap 14 solution.

its the solution for chapter 14 that is complex integration.

Engineering mathematics-2-complex integration,complex differentiation, differential equations

This is the second half part of the engineering mathematics-2 which consists of complex integration and differentiation as well as linear differential equations.This is also the notes given by our faculty with different type of problems and solutions.

Engineering mathematics-2-complex integration,complex differentiation, differential equations

These are the problems from the chapters matrices, differential equations,complex integration,linear differential equations.All these questions are prepared by our faculty and covered all the type of questions from these chapters.

Advanced engineering mathematics-differential equations,matrices,complex integration

This PDF consists of all the topics in engineering mathematics-2.This was the mostly preferred textbook by our mathematics faculty.

Diferentiation and integration

Differentiation and integration of 3rd year chemical engineering

Proper Handwritten Notes of Riemann Intergral

If you are going to study B.Sc Honors Mathematics at Delhi University, then in the 4th semester of the second year, you have four core subjects to study namely Partial Differential Equations, Ring Theory and Linear Algebra, Riemann Integration and Series of function and last is computer algebra system. Here I am sharing with you the proper handwritten notes of riemann integral which covers every topics which you will study in the fourth semester at Delhi University

Multiple integration mathematics - First year

Handwritten detailed notes. Accurate information of the topic.


Contents covered in this ppt regarding Integration.In this ppt there is detailed explanation with programs.

Multiple, double , definite , triple- Integration

The pdf contains the notes of various concepts related to multiple integration, double integration, definite integration, triple integration, etc. It also contains examples and exercises which will help you a lot.

applied mathematics 2



This contain the paper that is the previous examination question paper and the questions are related to the standard of the college examination

Formula of Integration

Formula of Integration are most important for student , list should be made of formulae which I provide you, Integration is a Chapter in which we integrate the expression