Knowledge in Case study

Nano Technology

What is Nano technology and their importance and applications.

Life skills topic 3

Another important sections of Btech first year students.

C programming:Structures

Structures is an important section of c programming language.

Principles of management

These 3 attachments are included because after those 10 units of management game theory is explained which is more practical than other topics there are 2 documents attached in the name of game theory both have the topic explained but on of the has diagrams and case study with it.

Classification of wind turbines

This section tells about the importance of wind turbines and classification also applications.


It tells about the section of photonics of first year btech.

Life skill topic :5

It tells about another module of life skill of first year btech courses.

Maths Question Bank

Some important model questions of Engineering maths of first year btech.

Life skill topic:6

Another section of life skill of btech First year course.

ODE of maths

ODE section Engineering calculas of first year btech course.

Difference between literary and technical writhing

This is a section a btech first topics of professional communication.