Knowledge in C++

Expectation Handling in C++

what is the Exception? how to handle it is given in this

Tamp-lets of basicc c++

basic templates intro is given

Java,c++,data structure, syllabus of all things mentioned,assiment all the stuff you need to get a good marks in your college exam

If you are doing BCA then you need this for your good grades all the things you need like syllabus notes last year paper of my college ( St. Xavier college).all notes are hand written and in good hands writing it also includes my assignment which you need the most from all of it. After these you won't need any further notes or any other this you will get syllabus like exactly what to study and last year's paper of all subjects so you will get an idea like what type of questions will came in exam.this recourse will help you the whole 1 St year.please rate if you like it. I have given sample of my handwriting

Programming techniques and technology

You will love these it contains all you need check out my other content

C++ Programming Full Notes

Following Documents contain complete notes from Introduction to advance concepts of c++ programing

C++ programming-Private mode inheritance

In this PDF there are programs related to c++ programming and examples regarding inheritance.You can know how to use inheritance in a program.

C++ programming-File Handlings

In this ppt there are programs and concepts related to c++ programming and examples regarding file handlings.You can know how to use and use of file handlings in a program.

C++ programming-Arrays

In this ppt there are programs and detailes concepts related to c++ programming and examples regarding Arrays.You can know how to use and use of arrays in a program.

C++ programming-Pointers

In this ppt there is programs and detailed concepts related to c++ Programming.It specially related to will be able to learn how to use and use of pointers.

OOP with C++ by E Balagurusamy _ Solution B-Tech(CSE)

This pdf of the book contains the solutions with the questions. It is very helpful in the beginning also it is very useful in the latter time as it contains all the logic and formulas of the language. It also offers detailed answers to the questions.

C++ programming-Strings

In this ppt there is programs and detailed concepts related to c++ programming and regarding strings.You will be able to learn the uses and how to use strings in programs.

C++ programming-Classes

In this ppt there is programs and detailed concepts related to c++ programming and regarding classes.You will be able to learn the uses and how to use classes in programs.