Knowledge in C programming

Program to read two valued and explain arithmetic operators.

This is a simple c program to explain arithmetic operations. Using 6variables and two values, we performed different operations like addition, subtraction,division, multiplication. Header files stdio.h and conio h are used to accept getch(),clrscr(), printf,scanf .

Program to explain type casting.

Type casting means changing of one data type into other. type casting is of two types implicit and explicit. Implicit means the compiler will automatically converts the data type into other. Explicit means we have to mention the data type it wanted to be changed in.

Program to explain simple if.

Simple if is used to check a simple condition like yes or no . Let us introduce two variables a,b . If a is greater than b then a is greatest. This is the format of simple if condition. It includes two header file studio.h and conio.h to include all the files that we include in a program.

Program to explain switch case which has case blocks without statements.

Here switch case is used to test the value of a variable and compares it with multiple cases. If one case is found matched then the statement of that particular case is executed . Switch contain many cases inside the block . Likr case2,case2,case3,case4,....multiple cases .for every case break statement is used to exit the loop.

Program to explain sum of even numbers beloow range n.

Here is a program to explain sum of even numbers in a given range n . This program is written using do while. Initially consider a number num, and sum=0 . While (num

Program to explain soul of odd numbers in a given range.

Here in odd case num should be initialized with 1 ,num=1. And sum=0. This is also written using do while .

Program to find whether the given number is palindrome or not.

Palindrome is the number which is same when it is ready from reverse and straight order.

Program to find sum of n natural numbers using while

This is nothing but the sum of n natural numbers using while loop it means I a given range finding the sum.

Prpgram to find factorial value of a given number using do while.

Factorial is the product of all the digits from 1 to given range.

Program to find reverse of a given number and print the number in reverse order.

It is nothing but to pront the given numbers in a reverse order. For example : 1 2 3 then it will print 3 2 1.

Program to explain unconditional statement continue.

This program explains an unconditional statement continue.

Program to print the given pattern in the clip.

The given pattern in the clip is printed using the given code.