Knowledge in Btech course.

EM Unit-4 2nd semester First year IP University B-Tech(CSE)

These are the notes of the subject: Engineering Mechanics(EM) in B-tech (Computer science) 2nd Semester. These are the handwritten notes of the topic Moment of inertia of unit-4. These are easy to understand. They are prepared very carefully and are very clear, and will help you to achieve good marks in the exams.

Applied Maths Unit-4 B-Tech(CSE) IP University

These are the notes of the subject: Applied Maths(AM) in B-tech (Computer science). These are the handwritten notes of unit-4. These are easy to understand and include all the topics covered by unit-4. They are prepared very carefully and are very clear, and will help you to achieve good marks in the exams.

Applied Physics unit-3 B-Tech(CSE) IP University

These are the notes of the subject: Applied Physics(AP) of B-Tech (Computer Science). These are easy to understand notes and contains full unit-3. These are handwritten notes with full clarity. and are well made, explaining all the concepts.

Applied physics Unit-4 Btech(CSE) IP University

These are the notes of the subject: Applied Physics(AP) of B-Tech (Computer Science). These are easy to understand notes and contains full unit-4. These are handwritten notes with full clarity. and are well made, explaining all the concepts.

Applied Physics Unit-3 B-Tech(CSE) IP University

These are the notes of the subject: Applied Physics(AP) of B-Tech (Computer Science). These are easy to understand notes and contains full unit-3. These are handwritten notes with full clarity. and are well made, explaining all the concepts.

Applied Maths Notes B-Tech(CSE) IP University

These are the notes of the subject: Applied Maths(AM) of B-Tech (Computer Science). These are easy to understand notes and contains full unit-1. These are handwritten notes with full clarity. and are well made, explaining all the concepts.

Applied Maths Unit-4 B-Tech(CSE) IP University

These are the notes of the subject: Applied Maths(AM) of B-Tech (Computer Science). These are easy to understand notes and contains full unit-4. These are handwritten notes with full clarity. and are well made, explaining all the concepts.

Applied Maths BOOK B-Tech(CSE) IP University

These are the book notes of the subject: Applied Maths(AM) of B-Tech (Computer Science). These are easy to understand notes. These are handwritten notes with full clarity. and are well made, explaining all the concepts.

Applied Maths BOOK B-Tech(CSE) IP University

These are the notes of the subject: Applied Maths(AM) of B-Tech (Computer Science). These are easy to understand notes and contains full. These are handwritten notes with full clarity. and are well made, explaining all the concepts.

EVS Unit-1 B-Tech(CSE) IP University

These are the notes of the subject: EVS of B-Tech (Computer Science). These are easy to understand notes and contains full unit-1. These are handwritten notes with full clarity. and are well made, explaining all the concepts.

Unit-1 Applied Physics B-Tech(CSE) IP University

These are the notes of the subject: Applied Physics(AP) in B-Tech (Computer science). These are the handwritten notes of unit-1. These are easy to understand and include all the topics covered by unit-1. They are prepared very carefully and are very clear,

Unit-2 EDC B-Tech(CSE) IP University

These are the notes of the subject EDC in B-Tech (Computer science). These are the handwritten notes of unit-1 & unit-2. These are easy to understand and include all the topics covered by unit-2. They are prepared very carefully and are very clear,