Knowledge in Basic Electrical engineering

Transformers and its description

This is the handwritten notes prepared by experienced faculty for a better understanding of the students

Induction motors

This is the handwritten notes prepared by experienced faculty for a better understanding of the students

single phase induction motors

This is the handwritten notes prepared by experienced faculty for a better understanding of the students

DC generators PPT

This is presentation prepared by experienced faculty for a better understanding of the students

Transformers Presentation

This is a presentation prepared by experienced faculty for a better understanding of the students


This ppt contains a self-explanatory concept prepared by experienced faculty for a better understanding of the students. It gives good references during the preparation of the exam.

zener break down and diode capacitance

This ppt contains a self-explanatory concept prepared by experienced faculty for a better understanding of the students. It gives good references during the preparation of the exam.


This ppt contains a self-explanatory concept prepared by experienced faculty for a better understanding of the students. It gives good references during the preparation of the exam.

EDC model question paper 2019

EDC model question paper 2019. Electronic devices and circuits.

Index of UG YR WISE QPII-I SEM ALL QP 2011-2017DEC 2013B.Tech.-II-Year-I-Sem-Reg-Dec-2013A10ECM

This is a question paper of undergraduate college semester paper of electronics and computer engineering domain.

Index of UG YR WISE QPII-I SEM ALL QP 2011-2017DEC 2013B.Tech.-II-Year-I-Sem-Reg-Dec-2013A10EEE

This is a question paper of undergraduate college semester paper of electronics and electrical engineering domain.

Index of UG YR WISE QPII-I SEM ALL QP 2011-2017DEC 2013B.Tech.-II-Year-I-Sem-Reg-Dec-2013A10IT

This is a question paper of undergraduate college semester paper of information technology domain related to the standard of the questions.