Knowledge in B.Sc(H)Mathematics

Linear Algebra Semester-1 Solution

In the first semester of B.Sc Honors Mathematics at Delhi University, you have two core subjects to study namely algebra and calculus. Linear Algebra, complex no., functions etc is a part of Algebra which you will study in first semester. Here I am sharing with you the solutions of the all the question of linear algebra. If you are going to pursue B.Sc honors Mathematics at Delhi university then it will help you a lot.

Riemann Integration Readings

If you are going to study B.Sc Honors Mathematics at Delhi University, then in the 4th semester of the second year, you have four core subjects to study namely Partial Differential Equations, Ring Theory and Linear Algebra, Riemann Integration and Series of function and last is computer algebra system. Here I am sharing with you the proper reading of riemann integration which covers every topics which you will study in the fourth semester at Delhi University

Proper Handwritten Notes of Linear Algebra Semester -4 ,B.Sc Honors Mathematics, Delhi Unviersity

If you are going to study B.Sc Honors Mathematics at Delhi University, then in the 4th semester of the second year, you have four core subjects to study namely Partial Differential Equations, Ring Theory and Linear Algebra, Riemann Integration and Series of function and last is computer algebra system. Here I am sharing with you the proper handwritten notes of Linear Algebra which covers every topics which you will study in the fourth semester at Delhi University

Introduction To Real Analysis: Robert G. Bartle & Donald R. Sherbert

The book "Introduction To Real Analysis", I am sharing here is the most preferred and awesome book of Real Analysis. In B.Sc Honors Mathematics at Delhi University, you will study Real Analysis in first, second and third year. Besides Readings you need to have a book for a better understanding of the subject. The book contains all the topics of your syllabus. Moreover, the book is also preferred in your syllabus.

Real Analysis : S. K. Mapa

In B.Sc Honors Mathematics at Delhi University, you will study Set theory, Real Numbers, Set in R, Real functions, Sequence & Series in second semester. Theory of Real functions in third semester and Riemann Integral in fourth semester. The book I am sharing here contains all these topics. The special feature of this book is that it first deals with the basic concepts of the topics and then explains its theorems.

Mathematical Modelling: Differential Equation

You will study Differential Equation as one of your core subjects in second semester, 1st year at Delhi University. In the Differential Equation, the most difficult part is Mathematical Modelling in which you will models like lake pollution model, population model , acceleration-velocity model, War Model, Density Dependent Growth with harvesting, etc. Here I am sharing with you the solution manual of mathematical modelling. It explains the topics and also gives its solutions.

Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory Second Edition: Goodaire & Parmenter

You need to choose one subject as Discipline Specific Elective Course in fifth and sixth semester of third year of B.Sc Honors Mathematics at Delhi University. The book "Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory" I am sharing here, contains the syllabus of discrete mathematics which is one of your Discipline Specific Elective Course. If you choose Discrete Mathematics as you DSE course then it will help you a lot.

Lecture Notes of Real Analysis

In B.Sc Honors Mathematics at Delhi University, Real Analysis is one of the hard subject which is difficult to understand. Real Analysis will be introduced to you in 2nd semester, 1st year and you will also study it in second and third year. In 2nd semester, you have three chapters to study in real analysis which are Real Numbers along with set theory, supremum and infimum, Sequence and Series. Here I am sharing with you the lecture notes of Real Analysis.

Detailed Syllabus of (Hons)Mathematics

This clip contains deatiled syllabus of Mathematics.