Shivam Rawat Shivam Rawat

Well yes you read the heading, so who was it according to you? For me it was Nikola Tesla. The most neglected genius, who never truly revieved the honor and respect that were his. I am saying this because his contribution to humanity was greater than that of any other scientist or inventor of his time. While others were solvinga and presenting solutions to the problems the world was facing that time, he pesented the world with the future itself. He was the world's first true futurist. Being born under thunder and lightening, it will not be wrong to call him son of Zeus( greek god of thunder and lightening). He never let his humble background come in the way of his learning. So prodigious was he that he was capable of soving complex mathematical problems without even lifting the pen but his professors never credited him for it instead they considered him a cheater. From a young age Tesla was facinated by lightening and electricity. So after completing his engineering he started working on projects that would result in betterment of human society. Blessed with the eidetc memory he could recite the entire book after reading it once. Once a fire broke out in his lab due to which all his resarch work got burnt but it was not a problem for him as he had alreday memorised all his work. He used to conduct thought experiment where he would assemble his machines and run them over and over again in his imagination till he receive the expected result. It was the thought experiment that he would realise his inventions in real world. Keeping his genius apart he was a humanitarian. He worked day and night on his projects. He never patented any of his invention because his machines were for the people. But not everybody shared this idea, his fellow inventors started using his inventions for personal gains claiming that were theirs. Amongst them the biggest was Thomas Elva Edison. He recognized Tesla's genius and got so afraid of his potential that he would do anything to tarnish his image. Also he was very succesful with it because he was the most renowned inventor of that time and had a great society image whereas on the other hand Tesla was not that popular among the people. Tesla was the supporter of ac current and believed that it is the future of electricity on the contrary Edison supported dc current.It is said that once in order to prove Tesla wrong, Edison kidnapped pets from the neighbourhood of the place where Tesla's ac current was being tested by the government and electrocuted them, just to prove how dangerous it was. Despite of all these events, Tesla never quit and he kept on with his work. Tesla was so ahead of his time that he had an working idea of a machine that could transmit energy wirelessly across the globe.Not only this, he is the only person in history to replicate and study the phenomenon of "fireball" or "lightening ball". To get a idea of it imagine a spherical ball of lighthening levitating above the ground moving really slowly. To this date no scientist is ever able to replicate it. Radio, light bulb, telegraph, x-ray etc name any invention of that era and I garuntee you that Tesla had it first then their patent owners. Tesla never cared for fame but a little acceptance from his fellow inventors may have eased hi final years. He died poor and defeated as he himself quoted. The future in which we live today is his gift and is only a part of what he planned for us. He gave us our future and we weren't able to give him his present.

                                                                                                                 by SHIVAM RAWAT

Shivam Rawat

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Shivam Rawat