Dushyant Jodha Dushyant Jodha

The selection sort enhances the bubble sort by making only a single swap for each pass through the rundown. Indorder to do this, a selection sort searches for the biggest value as it makes a pass and, after finishing the pass, places it in the best possible area. Similarly as with a bubble sort, after the first pass, the biggest item is in the right place. After the second pass, the following biggest is set up. This procedure proceeds and requires n-1 goes to sort n item, since the last item must be set up after the (n-1) st pass.

1. k ← length [A]
2. for j ←1 to n-1
3. smallest ←  j
4. for I ← j + 1 to k
5. if A [i] < A [ smallest]
6. then smallest ←  i
7. exchange (A [j], A [smallest])


  1. Input: n elements are given.
  2. Output: the number of comparisons required to make sorting.
  3. Logic: If we have n elements in selection sort, then n-1 passes are required to find a sorted array.
 In pass 1: n-1 comparisons are required
 In pass 2:  n-2 comparisons are required
 In pass 3: n-3 comparisons are required
 In pass n-1: 1 comparison is required 
 Total comparisons: T (n) = (n-1) + (n-2) + (n-3) +........+ 1

= o (n

	Therefore complexity is of order n2 


Sort the following array using selection sort: A [] = (7, 4, 3, 6, 5).

A [] =


1 Iteration:

  1. Smallest =7  
  2.       4 < 7, smallest = 4  
  3.       3 < 4, smallest = 3  
  4.    6 > 3, smallest = 3  
  5.    5 > 3, smallest = 3  

Swap 7 and 3


2nd iteration:

  1. Smallest = 4  
  2. 4 < 7, smallest = 4  
  3. 4 < 6, smallest = 4  
  4. 4 < 5, smallest = 4  

No Swap


3rd iteration:

  1. Smallest = 7  
  2. 6 < 7, smallest = 6  
  3. 5 < 7, smallest = 5  

Swap 7 and 5


4th iteration:

  1. Smallest = 6  
  2. 67, smallest = 6  

No Swap


Finally, the sorted list is:


Dushyant Jodha

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Dushyant Jodha