Bhawna  Gulati Bhawna Gulati

Ecommerce is when you use an electronic medium to exchange goods and services.

Though it wasn't welcomed initially by everybody, today almost all the urban households have made purchases from popular sites like Amazon,Flipkart among many others.

We Indians are price sensitive, but demand at par quality even at the smallest of price! Also, we take time to build our trust, especially trust over a medium where we hardly have any interaction with humans. Hence, initially only low cost purchases took place over these sites, however, the scenario today is such that right from our household groceries, to medicines, kitchenware,cosmetics, make up and even gadgets and cars are pourchased onlne.

And why not ?

With the multiple discounts,bonus offers, membership proiviledges, ease of doing business and most importantly, gauranteed return and exchange offers have helped gain our trust, and we are exposed to hundreds of items sitting in the comfort of our homes.


Why not? It has made life convenient, and us lazy! With the advent of applications where you can get information about multiple restaurants to choose from, with heavy discounts, you neither want to cook nor you would like to step outside. It is in such a scenario that these apps like Zomato and Swiggy among many others are gaining popularity.

Why would we want to hinder our comfiortable lives when we can have a cab at our doorstep whenver we want to travel? Such is the luxury offred by Uber,Ola etc.

Hence, we clearly observe that for ever need opf ours, e commerce tool has come up with a solution through its successfully placed business model.

It has gained our trust and made our lives esaier and interesting, with the options that they offer 

This booming industry is looking for ways to expand, with many of them selling their private label brands successfully, many venturing into contebt for our audience (Amazon Prime) etc. Fresh items are placed on Grofers weekly and Uber is now competing with Swiggy and Zomato through its UberEats chain! These businesses have successfully got hold of the gaps in the market and converted them into opportunities for themselves!

But surely this was a classic case where demand is actually created.

Bhawna  Gulati

Bhawna Gulati Creator

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Bhawna  Gulati