Yogendra Singh

Student at Abes engineering college


Characteristics batteries

Next paper

Next paper upsc


Operation of arrays


Batteries information

Upsc ese paper 2

Second paper upsc ese


Transmission line

Model paper

Ese paper 1 Model paper

Human values and ethics Rve

This is all about human values Important and previous year questions Materials for ies And some important question

Soft computing

The introduction to nueral networks and the logics of software and fuzzy logic the sof computing is explained with several topics inside this module considered above mentioned points and topics inside the module

Integral and partial fractions

The integral and partial fractions are rapidly considered as the aspects of solving questions in the maths 3

Numerical techniques 1 nt1

The numericals are solved and topics are very important to university exams frequently asked questions and these are very important for gate and competition exams like upse and others

Numerical techniques 2 nt2

Numerical techniques containg direct and indirect methods of calculating the problems with ranga kutta and eulers meths this is present in both forms the below hand written notes is of numerical techniques 2 engineering mathematics 3 btech. # abes