Shivansh Nigam

Student at Lakshmi Narain College of Technology


the pdf contains all the data of diodes its working characterstics and applications and rectifiers


the pdf contains all the data about the transistors its working ,characterstics and practical use of transistors in daily life


the pdf contains notes for Non - traditional Machining

Computer aided machine drawing

the pdf contains notes for computer aided machine drawing

Design of Machine elements

the pdf contains notes for design of machine elements

Programming in C and Data structures

the pdf contains notes for Programming in C and Data structures


the pdf conatins all information about alternating current machines

Kinematics of Machinery

the pdf contains notes for kinematics of machinery

Fluid Mechanics Notes

the pdf contains notes for fluid mechanics

Mechatronics Notes

the pdf contains notes for mechatronics

Manufacturing practices lab manual

The pdf contains all the practicals required to do in first year under rajiv gandhi prodyogik vishwavidayala(rgpv) and the pdf can be used in all the colleges under rgpv. the pdf contains how to perform experiment

Electrochemistry Notes

the pdf conatins notes for electrochemistry