Training Design and development 1

This includes details baout transfer of training of the trainees,their characteristics,desin and implementationand work environemnt required for the transer and tranining #NMIMS

Trends in Performance management and compensation

It discusses about the trends in performance management and the process of performance appraisal including the case study of adobe and juniper networks#NMIMS

Impact of technology on SME

Impact of technology on Small and medium enterprises explained in the PPT

Void and Voidable contracts

Void and Voidable contracts for Corporate Law

Introducing Business Laws

Introducing Business Laws for basic understanding of Corporate Law

Employee training and development

Employee training and development explained to give insights about employee development

Industrial development and regulation act 1956

Industrial development and regulation act 1956 explained in the PPT

Small scale industries and cotton industries

Small scale industries and cotton industries explained in this presentation

Trader Joe discussion

It is about Trader Joe-Case Discussion which has analysis questions,value chain analysis and Trader Joe's strategy#NMIMS

Trade Union framework

This clip explains the theoretical foundations and legal framework of Trade Unions and also examines the link between trade union and politics and its impact on economic development#NMIMS