Mohit Modi

Student at Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management

what is FB Start Program

What is FbStart? Facebook is offering up to $40,000 in free products and services for new app developers. At the F8 developer conference, Facebook announced the FbStart program. The program intends to offer free products & services to help young developers, entrepreneurs and startups build their next big app. This program is an effort to beef up the app market, which according to research, could grow up to $77 billion by the end of 2017. In the beginning, the startups and apps may not be worth much, but they all have the potential to become a future gold mine, as we have witnessed in the case of King Digital Entertainment the developers of the famous game Candy Crush. FbStart is only accepting those apps which already exist either on the App Store or Google Play. The program is divided into two sub-categories, Bootstrap Track & Accelerate Track. Each track offers different types of free services and products. The Bootstrap Track is for developers who are looking to propel their app into the app market. The main purpose of this track is to facilitate indie developers with state of the art technologies and services to build their app swiftly. Consider an indie app developer, short of resources, finding a program that offers services like Parse, Adobe Creative Cloud, and Appurify testing suite.