mannat sharma



 Feminism is a social movement that denotes the imbalance in society because of the unequal status of man and woman who are like the two eyes in the face. Like the bane of casteism in society, casteism which has created irrevocable divisions among people and which is the greatest social evil, like religious intolerance, which is a very unhealthy indication of man’s outlook, which creates cleavage between one segment of the population and another, the gender equation issue is assuming greater and greater proportions of gravity. The social awareness among women is the indication of society’s advancement. Spirited women whose blood boils as they are mentally agitated by the domineering attitude of the men folk who have long been nurtured in the unjust feeling that they are superior, keep the flag flying. They want to flight to a finish and their unrelenting agitations for a change in the behavioral norms of the autocratic men folk will bring about a better order if not today but at least in the near future. Even now, even the enlightened aged women in society harass their daughters-in-law being far behind in time, being still in a bygone age when the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law clash was at its highest. The age-long confrontation between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law seems to be endless. Sometimes, a husband turns wild with anger at his meek wife and spurns her and spits on her. Feminism is a word that often finds a place in the newspapers and the magazines. Feminism is the subject of talk in the radio and the television. Though the feminist movement is very active in countries like the USA and Britain even there women are still given a back seat. It is generally said that women belong to the weaker sex. They are by nature gentle, soft-spoken and shy. But there are women who can outdo men in assertiveness, dominance and aggressiveness.


In the earlier days when the size of the business was small the common method of communication was face to face communication and sending representatives for direct contact. With the introduction of efficient postal and courier services , business letters are the easiest and cheapest method of communication. Importance of business letter writing arises because of te following factors : ·         Letters are drafted with proper planning and thinking.  Hence the subject matter is presented in a systematic and logical manner. ·         Letters can be sent through postal and courier services in a short time. ·         Letters provide record for future reference and can be used as evidence in case of dispute. ·         Letters can be used to convey unpleasant and delicate messages which cannot be conveyed in face to face communication. ·         The cost of sending letters is less as compared to other means . ·         The size of the letters can be selected as per the requirement. ·         Business letters also help in building goodwill.


Two primary ways in which GDP is measured are “Real GDP” and “Real GDP in Chain-Weighted Prices.” The first way on constructing the real GDP in base-year prices is to create a price deflator for every good that we can in the economy. That price deflator is defined as the ratio of the price for that good in some base year relative to the price of the good in the current year. The way of looking at GDP is termed the expenditures approach Real GDP in base-year prices for good A=(price good A in one year/price good A in another year) * (price * Quanity of good A in that year.). The price deflator allows So real GDP in base-year prices is equal tot he sum of (C+I+G+X-M), where each component is expressed in real (base year) terms. The other way of measuring GDP is a little more complicated but has an advantage. Real GDP in chain-weighted prices is a result of the introduction of new goods onto the economy. So real GDP in chain-weighted prices is a better measure of output growth. That growth rate will never be revised as the result of technological progress. Growth of real GDP in chain-weighted prices is defined as the square root of {the ratio of real GDP in last year’s prices relative to nominal GDP last year} multipled by {the ratio of nominal GDP relative to real Gdp last year in this year’s prices} That's some of he ways that the annual GDP is retrieved at the end of the to cancel out one years prices.