Bharathi Manikandan

Student at PSGR Krisnammal College for women

Social media

Social networking on social media websites involves the use of internet to connect users with their family,friends and acquitances..As this websites allow us to share the videos,photos and information,organise events,chats and play online games..


Advertising is the most common commercial package which made the shares to the high level,As in this case there are many source of advertising.,in that includes mobile advertising which made everyone to be easier in their earning manners and find the easier way to support the developing purposes of essentials..the shares makes to be easier with the help of this mobile advertisings.

Photography journalism

Photography journalism is a particular kind of journalism which includes collecting,editing and presenting of news material for publication or broadcast,that employs images in order to tell a story.Photojournalists create pictures that contribute to news media and to connect the communities to one another.


A theoretical is a set of assumptions about reality to ask a questions and to get a answer to it as a kind of result.Often socialists use multiple theoretical to frame research questions,design and conduct research and analyze their results.